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AIDS/HIV Resources
Presented in conjuntion with NWABR's 2003 AIDS Outreach Session for Educators.

Explore curricula developed by NWABR, our NWABR ethics teacher partners, and our affiliates in other states.

For the Greater Good: A five-part series featured in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer highlighting the work of professionals who are involved with animals and research. Download the complete series as a pdf file or read single articles online. Curriculum to accompany the series is also available.

From Bench to Bedside: Biomedical Research and Patient Care'
This 25-minute video was produced by the Research Channel and the University of Washington forUWTV. The program, which features NWABR Executive Director Susan Adler, explores current research in genomics, diabetes, obesity, hearing loss, and muscular dystrophy. The program is available online at

Stem Cells
Resources from NWABR's 2004 Stem Cell Teacher Workshop.

Selected On-Line Resources

Animal Research
Describes several sites providing information about the use of animals in biomedical research. Also provides printable fact sheets.

Provides a wealth of resources for those wishing to learn more about bioethics. Helpful curriculum ideas and links to additional bioethics resources are described.

Clinical Trials and Drug Development
Links to sites describing the process of human clinical trials and their importance.

Additional Online-Resources
Biochemistry and Molecular Structure
Helpful resources for looking at 3-D images of proteins and other biological molecules, on-line texts and lectures about biochemistry, and information about biochemistry in general.

Offers links to on-line biotechnology and molecular biology curricula, as well as summaries of other useful resources.

Cell Biology
Virtual cells, links to stem cell resources, images of cells and cell organelles, and cell biology tutorials.

General On-Line Resources
Some great general biology sites that have wide applicability. Find more curriculum ideas or search for biology topics not addressed in the pages above.

Learn more about neurobiology, neuroanatomy, and the effect of drugs on the brain. Be sure to visit our special tutorials demonstrating the interaction of drugs and the nervous system.

Technical Assistance
To download software necessary to view some of these web sites, please visit our Technical Assistance page.

Washington State Education Outreach Programs
Learn about the many opportunities available for educators!

NWABR is a 501(c)3 organization. All contributions are tax deductible.
The NWABR web site was made possible by funding from the National Center for Research
Resources and the National Institutes of Health through a Science Education Partnership Award.

Copyright 1999-2003 Northwest Association for Biomedical Research
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